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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  December 3, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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>> i came here a few minutes later and i am glad i didn't. you know, come here earlier. and fall down. >> reporter: public utilities commission officials were surprised by the collapse. >> natural springs or seepage into the ground it gave out. >> saturation is a problem for many. >> we had flooding in my house. drainage ditch, couldn't handle all the rain. we needed to divert everything. we will have to take care of that water. >> reporter: nice to have a break to do this? >> yeah. great. i was not looking forward to doing this in the rain. >> reporter: he planned to start repair avers two trees -- pairs after two trees fell on his home. now he has another tree that has to be removed. >> the roots are underneath the
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foundation. when it falls it will pick up the foundation. tonight workers tried to stabilize that section of road. live in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. school was closed today because of all the storm damage and some of the classrooms may be empty for a while. ktvu's ktvu's lorraine blanco is live. >> reporter: good evening. white hill will reopen tomorrow but it is a mess inside. look at my note pad, i dropped it and you can see how muddy it is. it might be months before students can return to a handful of rooms. >> reporter: you can hear and see what the weekend storm left
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behind in this classroom. a wet and smelly mess. >> it is very strange. i came ready with gloves and boots. >> reporter: school is closed today as workers pressure wash floors and rip out carpet and they will replace base boards and open the walls to look for hidden moisture. >> due to the amount of mud that came through after we assessed assessed the damage we knew it wouldn't be safe to have students on campus. >> reporter: this is where the water is supposed to drain. around the corner from the campus. but it clogged it, sending water and mud into the store. >> frustrating. i am in shock still and trying to adapt. >> reporter: four teachers packed up. >> reporter: while a clean up crew boxed items for storage and moved stuff to the new
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learning space. >> i am packing up what we will need into the library. i am hoping they will be flexible. that is the biggest life lesson here. >> reporter: that teacher always teaching. the damage is estimated in the tens of thousands. coming up, how the storm damage added to an inconvenient situation here. reporting live, lorraine blanco, ktvu channel 2 news. in 11 minutes it could be a while before this sink hole gets fixed. we are learning how big it is and how long before it can be used again. judge said a landlord cannot evict a medical marijuana dispensary. they threatened to sees the property as part of a federal crack down. the landlord pushed for eviction saying it violated the lease by engaging in illegal
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activity. the judge disagreed. a teen who is charged with kidnapping and sexually assaulting a woman was back in court today to enter a plea. he pleaded not guilty to attempted murder, toucher, kidnapping and rape and other counts in the attack. he is accused of abducting the woman. investigators say he assaulted and beat her and left her duct taped in a ditch. the story of john mcafee keeps getting more bizarre by the today. today john mcafee is blogging he is on the run. he says the person arrested over the weekend in mexico was a so-called double and was used as a distraction. last friday a reporter was transported to his hiding place where he asked john mcafee about the murder of his neighbor. >> reporter: did you kill him? >> i barely knew the man, why
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would i kill him? he was a neighbor. >> reporter: do you believe the government is -- this is a ventetta by the -- vendeada by the government? >> absolutely. >> authorities say they want to talk to him as a person of interest. an arrest tonight in a case of a teenage girl beaten. >> paul chambers tells us why the father sup set with -- up set with police. >> reporter: police are being tight lipped about this. including to the victim's father. we found out a man was arrested in this case. been about a week since the 16- year-old left this facility, two days later she was found badly beaten in san francisco. >> reporter: the home to the 16- year-old who has a mental
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capacity of a 7-year-old. today i reached out to the ceo to get a statement, he hasn't returned our call but the father did. >> i am excited someone has been arrested for what happened to my daughter. >> reporter: tuesday night she left the facility and was last seen here at the bart center. two days later she turned up on a muni bus in san francisco. her father believes she was sexually assaulted. >> by the bruises, i know what happened. i know what happened. the police know what happened but they after the discussing it with me. >> reporter: the police say we would like to provide you information. but at this time we can only confirm an arrest has been made. >> i am going to do everything i can to make sure he spends the rest of his life in prison. >> reporter: why he says she upset is because the media
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notified him about the arrest. he told us they are supposed to have a press conference tomorrow. live, paul chambers, ktvu channel 2 news. authorities locked down a middle school today after reports of gun shots. the lock down began this morning about 11:40 a.m. police aren't releasing many details. but police said they were investigating a home invasion. police detained one person. both sides in the oscar grant case squared off in court after a police officer shot and killed him. a court is considering lawsuits against johannes mehserle and two other bart officers. johannes mehserle was convicted of shooting and killing him in january 2009. at issue is whether johannes mehserle has qualified immunity in the civil lawsuit. >> this was a mistake.
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it was tragic. it was unintended. >> liven all the evidence, jury could find him responsible for the taking of the life of oscar grant. >> two other officers face civil lawsuits for their role in the incident. the court isn't expected to make a decision for months. >> two suspects were taken into custody after a chase. it happened before 3:30 a.m. this morning after a car was speeding east on interstate 580 in livermore. the california highway patrol says two cruisers were involved in the chase that hit speeds of 100 merles. one of the crews flipped over. the other parole car pulled him over and arrested the suspects. another high-speed chase ended with the driver being
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arrested. it ended when the car landed in a yard after hitting a house. the suspect ran away but he was arrested afterward while hiding a block away. it started before 3:00 a.m. this morning when officers tried to stop the speeding car. no one was hurt. the supreme court again today delayed a decision on prop 8, the ban on same-sex marriage. the court took no action on whether to review the challenge. it is expected to release its decision on friday. if they choose not to review gays and lesbians couples will have the right to marry in california. president obama warned the
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syrian rezeme the use of weapons -- today the president pledged continued u.s. support for the rebels. and he warns the president the world is watching. >> if you make the mistake of using these weapons there will be consequences and you will be held accountable. >> secretary of state hillary clinton called the u.s. of chemical weapons a red line for the u.s. no one said what action the u.s. would take. >> republicans offered their counterproposal to avoid the fiscal cliff. they valued the plan at $2.2 trillion with 800 billion from tax reform and the rest in cuts to government problems. last week president obama offered a plan that relied on tax increases that would total $1.6 trillion. the republican plan does not
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include something the president said is essential, income tax hikes on those making more than $250,000. stocks edged lower on fears the threat from the fiscal cliff might put a damper on the economy. the dow is down 59 to 12,965. the nasdaq is down 8 at 3,002. the s&p is down 6 at 1,409. coming up at 5:45 p.m., car sales reach a level they haven't seen in years. plus the potential impact the fiscal cliff could have. mitt romney is back at his old job. he is rejoining the board at mareiate international -- marriott international. they have a long standing friend ship. coming up, we have shown
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you this sink hole developing, what they are doing get things back to order in this neighborhood. >> a nice break today. the rainfall ending, giving us a break but there are more showers headed our way. i will have the timing on the showers in 10 minutes. how do you do that? well, inside the brewer, there's this train that's powerful enough to carry more coffee and fresh water to make coffee that's stronger and bigger... and even hotter! actually, i just press this button. brew the coffee you love -- stronger, bigger, or hotter -- with the keurig vue. u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems.
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you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible. reliability and ways to connect.
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work crews have a huge job, trying to fix a massive sink hole that opened up during the storm. ktvu's jade hernandez is here now and tells us it looks like the road could be closed for a long time as a result. >> reporter: think of two huge semis laying side by side, that is how big this hole is. water spouting from a broken water main. >> when i wake up i come here, see all this water. >> reporter: you can see crews working. morning rains cracked the
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sidewalk. yesterday afternoon the situation got worse. >> i heard a big boom. >> the sink hole is feet from his door step. he points to the city's installation of a trash rack meant to keep debris from clogging the creek. the rains swept through and washed away little protection it offered. >> large log sections, branch sections. a lot of trash. even a chest of drawers. >> reporter: his curiosity pulled him from his office. >> i am always curious when water moves and soil moves. the debris that comes on the creeks on a heavy storm like that, you know something will happen. >> it is an ongoing thing.
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just like your backyard. got to clean your cleaves and the creeks are -- your leaves and the creeks are the same. >> mountain view road will be closed while crews rebuild the road and fix the huge hole. you can find live updates on the weather on your mobile device or go to click on the storm watch tab. change being made to the central subway project after criticism from residents. muni decided not to dig up a section of columbus avenue to remove huge drilling machines. some neighbors were against the idea and even filed a lawsuit. money says it will drill past that location and remove the machines there. police in the south bay are searching searching searching for the suspects in a brutal
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home invasion robbery and homicide. last friday a man was killed and his ex-wife were injured. today police said they have assembled a task force dedicated to solving the crime. the house was ransked but they haven't officially determined a motive. >> i don't have any reason to believe it was just somebody driving down the street and a random attack. that said we are trying to determine why they were targeted. >> police released a sketch of one of the suspects. white or hispanic male, approximately 23-24 years old, approximately 6 feet tall and skinny. he was described as having black hair, dark eyes and a light complexion. the city counsel is set to consider a new smoking ordinance. it would ban smoking in apartments and condos and restaurant patios, sidewalks. it would expend the current
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ordinance that prevents smoking at parks and common areas. the ordinance is similar to bans in rohnert park and santa rosa. trader joes is dealing with a recall. it involves 5,000 pounds of its store brand buttered chicken. it was made by a canadian company. 100 stores received the product along the east coast. a banner year, the third year in a row conditions have been favorable. in 2010 and 2011 they set a record. this year it was so good they shut down squid fishing november 21. traveling by air for the holidays is more expensive. the average cost of a ticket departing in the last two weeks
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of december is $469. that is a 4% increase. however, ticket prices haven't gone up as fast as inflation. we have been showing you the south bay, east bay, weather wise, this is a good break day. >> get the clean up done. we will see more rain. sprinkles and showers in the forecast coming up but nothing like sunday morning. that was a major weather event. i would give that a 10. talked to a lot of people about it, i would say it is one of the more powerful storms we have seen here in many years. tracking that next bit of rain. it is around eureka now. it is still a warm storm. but just doesn't have the strong winds, we are not going
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to see the 3 inches of rain in a couple hours. we are seeing cloudy conditions. you notice that today. clouds thickened up. they will be that way again tomorrow. the weather today was nice. nice break. the rainfall totals, impressive for the 24 hour period. actually beyond that. 8 inches in santa rosa. 7 inches in san rafael. look that break offs. storm total from wednesday. what is that? 5 miles. 8-miles? not that big of a jump. but you lose half the rainfall. amazing how much more rain the north bay gets. look at rainfall. percent, right? the yellow number. these are the numbers that
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matter. this time of year it isn't hard to get that percent. last year, we were 60%. 50% of average. being ahead of average is great. we can afford a few dry weeks. that is good. tonight, look for fog and low clouds. mostly cloudy. i think we will see valley fog too. chance of showers tomorrow. not really anything like what we just experienced. little wet on the roadway. wednesday we will see lingering showers in the morning. rain. accumulations in the north bay, inch of rain over two days. not an inch of rain in an hour. forecast and clouds tonight, sprinkles north, 11:00 p.m. tomorrow morning, 7:00 a.m., that is light stuff. when i come back, we will roll through tuesday, wednesday and thursday and help you plan your week ahead.
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i have the five-day forecast as well. after a tough sunday we will hear from coach jim harbaugh about what happened, who is to blame and who the 49ers starting quarterback is now. >> the flu season begins, some surprise numbers ahead about who is protecting themselves themselves and who isn't.
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celebrating a milestone today. december 3, 1992, a engineer sent the first ever text message. he sent the message merry christmas. now more than 150 billion texas messages -- text messages are sent. in the u.s. cell phone users 18- 24 send or receive 50 messages every day. >> my daughter among them. despite the 49ers outing yesterday they are sticking with colin kaepernick. jim harbaugh says he liked how he handled himself yesterday when thicks didn't -- things didn't go right for the team. >> i thought he played well. did a lot of really good things. >> last week he had colin kaepernick had the hot hand but it wasn't enough to return alex smith as the team prepares for
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the dolphins. however jim harbaugh seems to be leaving the door open as the 9ers make their push to the playoffs. >> he won ocelot of football games. preparing himself to play in each of these games every week. that is what his mind set has to be. as if he was the starting quarterback. >> sunday will be colin kaepernick's 4th connective start. the 9ers have four games to control their destiny. officials warn today the flu season is heating up. the centers for disease control says flu activity increased across the country. 5 regions reporting higher levels than formal. 36% of people have got an flu shot. they are encouraging everyone to get vaccinated. a painful cough is keeping
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george h. w. bush in the hospital in houston. he was the 41 president of the united states. doctors say he is suffering from bronchitis. he has been in and out for the past month because of the cough and his wife has been by his side. look at this damaged fire engine. three firefighters to the hospital. >> and financial disaster, is the u.s. postal service wasting money? an investigation into wasteful spending by employees. >> and the ktvu ipad app is ready to download. watch news, weather and traffic anytime, anywhere.
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complete bay area news coverage continues right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 5:00 p.m. >> an unusual accident involving a fire truck has firefighters looking into whether they need to make changes in how they operate. it happened on highway 24 yesterday and sent three firefighters to the hospital. ktvu's rob roth is here and tells us it happened even though the firefighters did everything they were supposed to do. rob? >> reporter: frank, the fire engine involved in yesterday's accident is now out of service. you can see the dent in the bumper that was struck by an suv. that sent four to the hospital, three of them firefighters. >> reporter: the accident happened yesterday, firefighters responded to a car collision on highway 24.
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the cars were on the shoulder and the firefighters followed protocol. >> we have a procedure that requires them to park the engine at an angle to protect the scene. >> reporter: officials say ideally they would have had a second engine but with so many 911 calls the next closest engine responded to another emergency. >> we were extremely busy yesterday and we didn't have two engines for this emergency. >> reporter: 9:30 a.m. yesterday morning a car clipped the back of the fire truck, moments later a suv strucked the fire -- struck the fire engine. >> we will look at this incident and we will try to identify areas that we can improve upon. >> reporter: officials told us
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the three firefighters are at the hospital and are all expected to make full recoveries. a 4th person, the driver of one of the cars involved is in intensive care. rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. police released the name of a 17-year-old boy who was killed. he was shot around 11:00 p.m. in san jose. officers found him wounded on pacific avenue. he died at the scene. officers say this is a gang related shooting. he is the 43 homicide this year. police are looking for a man who robbed a walgreen's and then made off with prescription pain killers. this happened on university avenue about 2:30 p.m. this afternoon. the man demanded oxycontin. he is a white man in his 20s,
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with a slim build. he was wearing a gray hoody and gray vest. a police officer appeared in court today in a embezzlement case. prosecutors delayed filing charges, saying they are still seeking financial records. police reported that someone was embezzling money. prosecutors say hes say possible for -- he was possible for maintaining the machines. recount is about to get underway for measure b-1. the transportation sales tax and volunteers are needed. there are more people in favor of the measure monitoring the recount than opponents. he says it looks like the commission is trying to stack the deck and more volunteers who disagree with needed as observers as a counterbalance.
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it begins tomorrow and will continue on week days. late today two men were charged in the death of a coast guardsman who was killed off the southern california coast. he was in a small inflatable boat that was rammed yesterday. he was thrown into the water by the impact and suffered a fatal head injury. today they talked about his dedication. >> he was a man of honor. i was proud to call him chief. we are in position to influence those who work with us and he influenced us to seek better ways of doing business. >> the coast guard stopped the boat and detained two suspects. an investigation uncovered startling information about how the postal service is spending some of its funds.
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some money ended up being spent on hotels and casinos. >> reporter: ending saturday delivery, making it slower to send your mail, which is why it was eye popping when we saw this. >> reporter: they spent $52 million in recent hunts on employee travel -- months on employee travel. some workers are taking money they shouldn't be taking. filing bogus travel and expense forms and using it for personal expenses. in one case a employee booked a flight for $661s and booked at a different airport for $230. the employee took the cheaper flight but submitted the more expensive flight for
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reimbursement. >> it mimics the worse bureaucracy in washington d.c. >> reporter: in one case they used the cash reimbursement for a hotel stay in las vegas. one used the cash inside a casino. only $20,000 in incorrect travel by workers. but they don't have the safeguard in place to prevent future scheming. >> reporter: they are changing their policies to prevent workers from snapping money. there have been 213,000 tickets just for postal office workers in the past 18 months. ktvu channel 2 news. the school day and the school year are about to get longer for some students.
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10 school districts in 5 states plan to add 300 hours starting next fall. it is an effort to help under performing students. california is not involved in the experiment. it is colorado, connecticut a massachusetts, new york and tennessee. san francisco school kids are on the verge of getting healthier lunches. the san francisco school district says revolution foods submitted the low bid to supply the meals. they are set to vote on the deal december 11. revolution foods claims all of its meals are cooked precdaily. -- fresh daily. revolution foods is the bay area's 27th fastest growing company. back in 4th fourth they go. they battle over pattens.
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>> will and kate are expected, why she is in the hospital tonight.
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if you are using twitter while watching this newscast, you are not alone. the survey showed 1-3 people
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tweet while watching tv. >> if you are on twitter you will soon be able to follow the pope. he will start tweeting december 12. his first tweets will be answers to questions sent. officials today announced they will be celebrating a royal event. prince william and kate middleton are expecting their first child. catherine, duchess of cambridge has been hospitalized for severe morning sickness. she will be in the hospital for several days. the child will become third in line as hair to the thrown. the severe morning sickness has
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systems including extreme nausea and vomiting. it is believed to be caused by rising blood levels of hcg which is released by the placenta. up to 2% of pregnant u.s. women suffer from severe morning sickness. they are already wagering from name to hair color. so far odds the baby will be called elizabeth are 8-1. diana 12-1. the hair brown is 6-4. blond 2-1. black 5-2. and the long shot, 8-1 is red. apple called samsung's claim irrelevant. samsung is asking the court to throw out the adjustment against it for a billion dollars. they say the formman hid some
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of his back ground. apple says there was no jury misconduct. u.s. auto sales got a boost last month, how the day area faired. >> there is more rain headed our way. it will get wet. i will have the details on that. well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show
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then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv with a total home dvr included free for life. only $29 a month for six months. rethink possible. only $29 a month for six months. because we know how much you do to make the holidays just right. from ornaments to ottomans, memories are made with ikea.
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a stronger economy and all the car damages after white or hispanic male, approximately 23- 24 years old, approximately 6 feet tall and skinny. he was described as having black hair, dark eyes and a
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light sust -- car damages after superstorm sandy boosted car sales. ktvu's cara liu is live. what are we seeing in the south bay? >> reporter: this dealership sold six cars over the weekend. including an suv like this one. they say that is a good weekend considering the rainy conditions. >> reporter: u.s. car sells were up in -- sales were up in november. he says it is one of several indicators the economy is recovering. >> the unemployment rate is declining slowly. gdp continues to grow. looks like the housing market may have bottomed out. so it is a recovery. >> reporter: volkswagen up 35%.
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and toyota up 17%. chrysler up 14%. here in the bay area, they say the november numbers aren't in but so far they beating the national trend. >> we are seeing increased sales. again, some 25% year to date this year. >> reporter: he says it is encouraging news that more people are willing to buy new cars and trucks. >> in the united states athere is 17 million cars and truck -- states there is 17 million cars and trucks. >> reporter: november was a difficult month so a mixed bag for folks in the bay area. but they are hopeful for december. live, cara liu, ktvu channel 2 news. san francisco has five trader joes. the newest opened this morning
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on california and high street in the hob hill area. fall out to a story we brought you last week. a officer gave a homeless man a pair of boots. this photo and that story went viral. well, the man was found last night wandering barefoot. the man says he hid the boots because they are worth a lot of money and he wants a piece of the pie from all the attention this photo received because he said it was posted without his permission. the december 12 concert to help the people recovering from superstorm sandy in new york, new jersey and connecticut. eric chapten, bodge jovey and billy joel.
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-- bonjovi and billy joel. a tentative agreement, tetling a labor dispute. -- settling a labor dispute. the workers that port have been without a contract for 16 month. they held a strike last month to protest. the contract will be voted on on wednesday. strike that crippled the port of los angeles long beach is now in its 7th day. they have been working without a contract for 7-1/2 years. the walk out shut down 10-14 terminals, leaving ships stranded off shore unable to load or unload. the main issue is attrition and the loss of jobs. santa's elves got extra muscles from star players on
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the 49ers. >> randy moss. >> how about that? randy moss and other players all appeared at the target store in san jose. the players teamed up with low income children and helped them go on a christmas shopping spree. they provide housing housing and other help for needy families. our chief meteorologist bill martin has been fending off the question, when is the next rain storm coming? >> it is nothing like what we saw. that is what people are thinking. the last run of storms were a big deal, like 1982, 1988. that series of storms with the final storm. what we have now is a nice break. tomorrow and the next days will be breaks compared to what we have seen. the rain that is coming will be
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light. it will give you problems on your commutes, wet roads. as you look at san francisco, you can see it is cloudy in san francisco. but there is no rain and we aren't expecting significant rain. for san jose, you know, couple hundredths of an inch. wednesday morning, that could have a good chance of showers. the system is right here. showers tomorrow and it lingers into wednesday morning. into the hills of the north bay, an inch of rain. so tuesday morning, 7:00 a.m., this is the latest model, few sprinkles. drizzle. 1:00, stuff in santa rosa. nothing at 6:00 p.m. might be drizzle but this is mostly a north bay event -- not
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north bay, north coast. this area, i expect drizzle and heavy mist. you get into wednesday morning, there is your commute. wet. and scattered showers into the 9:00 hour. and you break out for the afternoon commute. i will be back at 10:00 p.m. and we will update the forecast. temperatures tomorrow, mild, low 60s. 61, 62 in places like los gatos. 64 gilroy. temperatures will be mild as we stay with this mild weather pattern. tuesday and wednesday, wednesday is mostly cloudy. there is your bay area weekend in view. i know that is what you are looking at. the weekend look goods. showers coming tonight at 10:00 p.m. >> some of the rain totals were amazing. thank you. land mark discovery, what scientists say the rover discovered and what it couldind
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caught about -- could indicate about its path. ing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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wanted to be here for your fist christmas? you see grandma lives waaaay down here, and you live way up here. brian, your cousin, he's a little bit older than you, he lives here, in chicago. and your aunt lisa lives here, in baltimore.
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uncle earnie? waaay out in hawaii. but don't you worry, we will always be together for christmas. [ male announcer ] being together is the best part of the holidays and cheerios is happy to be part of the family. you just ate dallas! a day of remembrance is planned tomorrow on capitol hill to honor the heroes of flight 93. it is a fundraiser for the national memorial in pennsylvania. it crashed on september 11. construction began three years
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ago. that memorial will include 40 memorial groves, a education center and a plaza. after weeks of rumors, nasa delivered a understated assessment from the mars rover. in a news conference in san francisco they said samples collected had shown organic compounds but they can't be sure if that amounts to signs of life. >> we don't know if they are indigenous to mars or not. it will take us time to work through that. there is a lot of interest in that but the point is that the middle name is patience. >> today the scientists said the idea they might have found
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signs of life was a misunderstanding. >> a new break through in weather forecasting, new at 6:00 p.m. the new high tech tool that could help protect storms. the steve jobs movie will premier in january. some of the filming took place in palo alto. it looks at 30 years in the co- founder. coming up in 2 minutes, more on the school shut down after the big weekend storm. what they say getting back to normal will be especially hard. >> and a ceremony mark as power change, what democrats say they plan to do with their new found super majority vote.
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cleaning up at north bay middle school, why it could be months before some of the classes can reopen. >> and the newest members of the legislator are sworn in, changes they hope to


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